Thales developed the most powerful laser in the world
for ELI-NP in Romania
The laser system is based on the Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA)
principle invented by Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland,
both winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018.
Extreme Light Infrastructures (ELI) project aims to establish European laser research facilities in Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic for the investigation of high-intensity light-matter interactions and their potential applications in science, industry and medicine.
Thales developed with ELI-NP (Nuclear Physics) in Romania an unique laser system made of two beam lines each delivering, a peak power of 10 PW at 1 shot/min, with intermediate outputs at 1 PW, 1 Hz and 100 TW,10 Hz.
100 TW / 1 PW Beam transport
Experimental areas
Front End OPCPA and
100 TW amplifier
1 PW amplifier
10 PW amplifier
High Power
Laser System